swen - the real news ticker

swen is a news ticker which means that it grabs for you all the headlines from the websites you commonly visit.

swen is faster and smaller than others news ticker because it uses only the pure Win32 API and doesn't pass through VCL, MFC or any other heavy weighted library.

swen doesn't waste your desktop space, all the actions are taken from a small icon in your system tray.

swen can support any website with it's own scripting language which lets you add your most visited resource.

swen is freeware, it'll cost you nothing.

here's a screenshot of swen in action:

swen screenshot

download swen here: swen-0.4.exe (79 Kb)

send comments, bug reports and new scripts on the forum.

code by analogue | gfx by Lexus | © glop.org

feel free to use those buttons if you want to let people know that your website is swen compatible:

swen - the real news ticker swen - the real news ticker
Websites actually supported by swen :
 - 32BitsOnline.com - Features
 - 32BitsOnline.com - News
 - 32BitsOnline.com - Webnews
 - Ars Technica
 - BeNews
 - BetaNews.Com
 - Customize.org
 - Customize.org - Skins
 - Customize.org - Uploads
 - DTop.org
 - Da Linux French Page
 - DeskMod
 - Desktopian.org
 - FileClicks
 - Floach
 - Freshmeat
 - Freshmeat - announcements
 - Geeknews
 - Linux Applications
 - Linux Today
 - LinuxInsider
 - NewsWire
 - Segfault.org
 - Skinz.org
 - Skinz.org - skins
 - Slashdot
 - Solaris Central
 - WatchDog
 - Wired News
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